Casco | Momentum | All People Can Accomplish Incredible Things | Momentum | Maine


1059 Meadow Road, 04015
Tel: (207) 627-2267
Fax: (207) 627-2269

Our office is located in the town of Casco which is in the heart of the Maine Lakes Region, home to eight lakes and ponds, including Sebago Lake, Maine’s second largest lake. At the Casco Momentum Community Support Program, we offer new opportunities and activities for the people we support to enjoy community inclusion and enhancement. Our administrative offices, Shared Living management offices, and Employment Services offices are also housed in Casco. 

The Casco location provides many community-based events and activities including Special Olympics training, volunteering activities, library visits, kayaking, biking, yoga, music, gardening, farm experiences, Nature Trek trips, hiking, culinary workshops, and more. Momentum also has a yurt in Mason Township which is a year-round camping destination for Momentum participants. 


The Jug Town Challenge is a Momentum-organized adventure challenge race open to the community. The race consists of kayaking, running and biking in the beautiful woods and waterways of Casco. An award ceremony and cookout conclude the day. Casco has a growing permaculture program available to participants.

Permaculture design is essentially a multi-faceted, integrated, and ecologically harmonious method of designing ideal landscapes to supply the needs of a family or community. The Casco Momentum Community Support Program now has a fully functioning woodworking shop, a chicken coop with laying hens, as well as a large vegetable garden and fruit tree grove.